Veneto Innovazione is a partner of Interreg Alpine Space Circular4.0 project. The main objective of the CIRCULAR4.0 project is to strengthen digitalisation processes by SMEs to foster innovation processes and accelerate the transition to the circular economy in Alpine Space.
The introduction of new technologies, notably the internet of things and big data tools, is enabling the development and introduction of new circular economy business models, often based on sharing and leasing but also reuse and remanufacturing. New technical systems and tools enable the tracking of products or materials during their life to enable extended use/life and maintaining the highest possible value. Meanwhile, design and manufacturing capabilities are evolving with advances in production, material science and manufacturing, e.g. 3D printing and artificial intelligence.
CIRCULAR4.0 addresses specific objectives to Integrate the EU circular economy Action plan with specific actions addressed to the Alpine Space area and its peculiarities, focusing particularly to SMEs (eco-design and innovative business models), value-chain and clusters according to S3 and the EUSALP strategic sectors; policy makers (integrate circular economy into innovation policies for SMEs and 2020+ Programme).
CIRCULAR4.0 will increase the knowledge and raise the attention of Entrepreneurs and Intermediaries on the circular economy concepts, develop and test a set of tools able to foster the contribute of Industry4.0 for the transition of SMEs to the circular economy, with particular attention to Circular Design models, Optimal Use models, Value Recovery models. The project intends to address Policy Makers, Intermediaries and SMEs to raise the importance of digitalization processes, focusing mainly on: the innovation processes, the business models and the investments needed.
The project will produce a CIRCULAR4.0 Action plan to contribute to the transition toward CE in the Alpine Space with SMEs digitalization creating added value for stakeholders in the Alpine Space and supporting Policies and EUSALP Macro Strategy.
The project budget amounts to € 2.560.692,99 (€ 2.176.588,99 ERDF).
CIRCULAR4.0 is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Alpine Space programme.