Advisory Board and Policy Table Facilitator

BE-READI ALPS (CUP D14D19000010007)
Advisory Board and Policy Table Facilitator

GENERAL ADVERT – January 2020

On 02 October 2019 the Interreg Alpine Space programme committee approved the project BE-READI ALPS Business Economic Renewal to Enhance strAtegic Development and Innovation in Alpine Space.

BE-READI ALPS has a duration of 3 years (01/10/2019-30/06/2021) and aims to pilot and standardise start-up support services to the needs of mature SMEs in the Alpine Space and offers them a “second life” by giving them access to new opportunities in an open innovation perspective.
Moreover BE-READI ALPS strives to animate a policy debate at Alpine level, that starting from the outcomes of the pilot activities could lead decision makers to share and propose innovative approaches and actions to jointly overcome barriers preventing SMEs competitiveness.

The activity of policy transfer is pursued through the support of the Advisory Board (AB), a governance body which includes as members the BE-READI ALPS Observers, with the aim to:
1- provide advice and feedback to the project in order to fine-tune the approaches and the models that BE-READI ALPS will experiment and formalise during the project implementation;
2- animate a policy debate at local and macroregional level, fostering the transfer of the project outcomes into policy initiatives.

Veneto Innovazione spa, Lead Partner (LP) of the project and responsible of the interface with the Advisory Board, is looking for an AB Facilitator to support in particular the activity dealing with the policy animation (point 2).

Tasks foreseen

The facilitator will assist the LP and the WP T3 Leader AWS in the following tasks:

Task 1 – Policy Table meetings
In coordination with the LP and the project partner in charge, support the organisation (content part) and animate the four Policy Table meetings foreseen.
The Policy Table is conceived as a discussion platform for stakeholders, policy shapers, analysts and local policy makers to discover and debate how sustain the innovative development of mature SMEs. In this frame, beyond the AB members and the local stakeholders the Project Partner in charge might invite, the EUSALP Action Groups 1 and 2 will be involved.

The Policy Table meetings foreseen are the following:
1. AB meeting and Policy Table #1 BOLZANO/BOZEN (date already set up: March 5th 2020)
FOCUS: “Access to Finance: how to boost the competitiveness of innovative SMEs”
2. AB meeting and Policy Table #2 LJUBLJANA (September 2020)
FOCUS: “Innovation ecosystem: initiatives to maximise the cooperation among research and business”
3. AB meeting and Policy Table #3 MARSEILLE (April 2021)
TOPIC: Public-Private partnership: how to develop innovative financial engineering measures
4. AB meeting and Policy Table #4 VENEZIA (September 2021)
FOCUS: “Joint actions at macroregional level: how to boost competitiveness in the Alpine Space”

Task 2 – Advisory Board animation
– Support the LP and the WP T3 leader to collect insights and good practices from the Observers in between the Policy Table meetings

Task 3 – Support in the preparation of the BE-READI ALPS White Paper
– The main outcomes and insights resulted from the Policy Table meetings and the Advisory Board activity will be structured in a working document, further translated in a political declaration highlighting the main recommended actions for decision makers. While the activity is under the responsibility of the WP T3 Leader, a support in drafting the document and valorising the main important points is asked to the AB Facilitator.

Task 4 – Final conference participation and panel moderation
– Participation to the Final Conference and moderation of a dedicated panel session to share the Policy Table meetings results (VIENNA -April 2022).


Expertise and Qualification

Basic Requirements:
· Degree in a relevant field
· Working experience in the fields of research, SMEs competitiveness and innovation policies – minimum three years
· Previous experience as advisor or member in policy consulting bodies
· Fluency in English, and proficiency in at least one of the other EU languages (preferably Italian, German, French, Slovenian)
· Excellent communication, organisational, diplomatic and interpersonal skills
· Excellent writing and editing skills

Preferred Requirements:
· Previous experience as Lead Partner or Project Partner in European Territorial Cooperation projects (Interreg), in particular in the Alpine Space Program
· Academic background is a preferred qualification
· Master degree in a relevant field

Veneto Innovazione offers one contract for professional consultancy under the Italian law. The contract will start on March 1st 2020 and it will cover the project duration (till the final conference).
The maximum budget foreseen for the consultancy activity is € 7.000 for over the period.
A reimbursement of travel expenses is also foreseen (under the Program and Italian rules).

Applicants should express their interest submitting in English the documents below:
· a motivation letter highlighting the main reasons they are interested in taking the Facilitator role
· a Curriculum Vitae in standardised Europass format (…)
· other documents supporting professional experience

This documentation will form the basis of the initial stage of assessment. An economical offer will be required in a second step.
The applications are to be sent by e-mail to;
please indicate in the subject line:
“your name – BE-READI ALPS Facilitator”
Closing date for applications: January 24Th 2020

Veneto Innovazione reserves the right to shortlist candidates in the manner it deems most appropriate and to perform interviews to deepen the profiles.
Pre-selected candidates will be invited to send an economical offer.

VENETO INNOVAZIONE S.p.A will process personal data according to Italian Law Decree n. 196 of June the 30th 2003, to European Union Regulation n. 2016/679 and other existing provisions, also employing digital tools, exclusively within the proceedings for which this declaration is made.

BE-READI ALPS is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Alpine Space Program.