SCALE up ALPS Final Conference

Fostering the attraction, establishment and growth of scaleups is essential for the economic development of any ecosystem. Cities and regions more and more deal with strategies on how to help startups not only to arise but to grow rapidly by providing the best framework conditions.
Access to talent, access to new markets, and access to finance are needed by start ups to grow. One of the goals of the EU project Scale(up) Alps project – a pilot case for regional innovation – was to analyze these three factors and to develop and test relevant support structures.
The final conference, in the context of the Eurocities Economic Development Forum, will give a summary of the project’s findings as well as of the need for a Manifesto for scaleup support. Discussions will highlight the role of scaleups for a city or a region on the one hand and ways for the public to leverage scaleup effect on the other hand.

Please find the agenda and further information on the project Scale(up) Alps here:

You can find further information regarding the EUROCITIES Economic Development Forum (EDF) here:

Please register for the Scale(up) Alps Final Conference by sending an email until October 11th: