23/5 IRENES Final event

IUAV premises – Room (aula) C, Terese, Dorsoduro 2206, 30123 Venice, Italy

Almost three years after the start of the discussion with stakeholders, the IRENES project is drawing to a close and the IUAV University of Venice is organising a half-a-day event to present the results of the second and final phase of the project.

Hybrid event: in presence and via Zoom platform

Registration email to participate in presence: lzardo@iuav.it

Zoom platform link to access the event online: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86807144538


Final Event Agenda

9.30-10.00: Registration

10.00-10.10: Welcome & Introduction to the IRENES Final Event

10.10-10.45: Keynote speech “Renewables and the regional scale”

Sergio Olivero – IFEC Italian Forum for Energy Communities

10.45-11.00: Interreg Europe state of play and future opportunities

Diane Bulon and Ségolène Jean – Interreg Europe Programme

11.00-11.10: Results from the IRENES Action Plan “Implementation in the UK IRENES Land Use Tool to improve Net-Zero Strategy decision making and planning processes”

Andrew Lovett – University of East Anglia, Paul Bourgeois – Anglia Ruskin University

11.10-11.20: Results from the Irenes Action Plan “Implementation in Germany IRENES results in the new Lower Saxony State Spatial Planning Programme”

Julia Thiele – Leibniz University Hannover, Julia Sprengel – Climate Protection Agency of Hannover Region

11.20-11.30: Results from the Irenes Action Plan Implementation in Estonia “Integration of ecosystem services into wind-energy related spatial planning”

Miguel Villoslada – Estonian University of Life Sciences, Indreek Laas – Estonian Environment Agency

11.40-11.50: Results from the Irenes Action Plan Implementation in Romania “Recommendation paper on RES and ES per Operational Program calls”

George Guran – Ministry of European Projects and Investments, Mihai Adamescu – University of Bucharest

11.50-12.00: Results from the Irenes Action Plan Implementation in Italy “Promote Energy Communities and their positive impact on ES provision through OP Calls”

Linda Zardo – IUAV University of Venice, Ivan Boesso – Veneto Innovazione

12.00-12.30: Discussion & closing of the event

12.30-14.00 Lunch break